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Re: Bug#416490: acpi-support: IBM Ultrabase X4 DVD/CDOM Undetected On Dock


On Wed, 28 Mar 2007, Sheridan Hutchinson wrote:
> I've noticed that if I have my Thinkpad X40 seated in its X4 Ultrabase 
> and boot it up fresh, that I have a DVDROM (hdc).
> However, if I boot up without it, then go to dock, the DVDROM is not 
> detected :(
> I noticed that if hotswap is installed, I could run:
> hotswap -c 1 rescan-ide
> and this will register /dev/hdc
> Which is pretty nice result.. however, although I have a /dev/hdc 
> /dev/dvd (which some things depend on) wasn't brought up.
> Debian should be able to handle automatically detecting IDE 
> CDROM's after docking by now, it is 2007 after all!


I would like this too. Unfortunately, I have no clue on how to detect
that we're plugged into a dock. And it's not even clear that acpi-support
is really the package that should take care of that. After all,
acpi-support is only a set of hacks so that supend/resume works
with as many laptops as possible.

I'm ccing debian-devel to have some more comments on this issue.

> Furthermore, ideally, I should be able to boot up my laptop out of the 
> dock, hibernate it (which works), plug it into the dock, wake it up from 
> its torpid state, and have a working IDE CDROM on /dev/hdc and 
> /dev/dvd

What happens currently when you wake it up? Do you have no cdrom at all,
or do you simply have it as /dev/hdc only?

> That said, it's not a huge bug but it would lend a certain amount of 
> functionality.

Feel free to provide a patch. :-)

I don't know it it's reasonable to call hotswap systematically after a
resume (if it's installed). 

For everybody: new (co-)maintainers for acpi-support are always welcome as I'm
certainly not the best maintainer for that package (I don't care enough
about it, I simply wanted it to make my laptop suspend/resume). Also such a package
would benefit from having several maintainers with different hardware

Raphaël Hertzog

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