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If I'm not mistaken, there is no standard way of getting the value of just a 
single arbitrary substitution variable, such as ${source:Upstream-Version}. 
Consequently, countless of debian/rules and other scripts reinvent the wheel 
using dpkg-parsechangelog together with slightly varying sed programs, which 
sometimes give an incorrect result.

So I thought that it might be a good idea to implement a general-case 
dpkg-substvars. Turns out somebody already did that - seven years ago. 
However, http://bugs.debian.org/66336 was tagged wontfix, probably because it 
tried to make it possible to use substitution variables in package names.

But if we forget about variable package names, wouldn't dpkg-substvars be a 
good idea?

Magnus Holmgren        holmgren@lysator.liu.se
                       (No Cc of list mail needed, thanks)

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