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using "Breaks:", or how to replace it?


I maintain two packages:
T, in Debian with version 3.2.5-1
K, in Debian with version 1.0.2-1

The upstream developer for both apps recently released T 3.3 and K 1.1.
Problem is:
K 1.1 requires T 3.3
T 3.3 breaks K << 1.1

Avoiding the case where K 1.1 gets installed with T 3.2.5 is easy (using
a Depends).

However, what's the best way to avoid the case where K 1.0.2 gets
installed with T 3.3 ?

* dpkg and apt have support for Breaks in lenny, but this doesn't mean
  that we are supposed to use it before lenny+1 (according to

* I could use a Conflicts in T, on K << 1.1. Policy says: (sect 7.3)

    A Conflicts entry should almost never have an "earlier than" version
    clause. This would prevent dpkg from upgrading or installing the
    package which declared such a conflict until the upgrade or removal
    of the conflicted-with package had been completed.
  But that seems OK in my case?

* I could add a check in postinst, but thhat seems dirty/overkill

* I could just do nothing
| Lucas Nussbaum
| lucas@lucas-nussbaum.net   http://www.lucas-nussbaum.net/ |
| jabber: lucas@nussbaum.fr             GPG: 1024D/023B3F4F |

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