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suid-perl going away?


from the package description of perl-suid:
| Usage of this program is now strongly deprecated upstream and support
| (along with this package) will probably be removed in 5.10.

What is the current recommended way to run perl scripts suid?

Please note that I do not want to use sudo on the system in question.
After reading perldoc perlsec, I think that Linux has been pulling the
"hand over the open FD to the interpreter" stunt for years, so that it
is not really vulnerable to the race condition that is commonly stated
as the reason for not allowing suid scripts. So, I expect running perl
scripts suid to be safe on Linux.

Why is perl-suid going away, and how am I supposed to replace its


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Marc Haber         |   " Questions are the         | Mailadresse im Header
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