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Re: Bug#430140: ITP: hoard -- Fast, scalable, and efficient replacement memory allocator

>> Hoard is a replacement memory allocator that can be used instead of glibc
>> malloc without recompiling binaries.  It is faster and more efficient
>> under many load patterns than the default glibc malloc, and is particularly
>> good for multithreaded programs running on multiple processors.
> What's the downsides? I'd guess that if it's GPLed and not in glibc, there's
> a catch somehow.
there're also the google perftools[1], which are suppsed to work very well and we have libgoogle-perftools in Debian. [2] is very interesting to read in this case.
I'd be really interested to know why one of those implementations is not the default in glibc, and if hoard or perftools provides the better/faster malloc.

[1] http://sourceforge.net/projects/goog-perftools/
[2] http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=27063

Best regards,

Bernd Zeimetz

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