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Re: Is there a way to positively, uniquely identify which Debian release a program is running on?

On Thu, May 31, 2007 at 02:06:28PM +0200, Santiago Vila wrote:
> That would "bless" the abuse of /etc/debian_version. IMHO, it would be
> good for Debian if we continue to discourage its use.

LSB compliance (which is a release goal) obliges us to provide proper
versioning information for releases. That means we have to have a (standard)
way for other software to determine which version of our distribution
they are running in.

The lsb_release scripts relies on /etc/debian_version. It also uses of
/etc/apt/sources.list is a -bad- hack to work around the testing/unstable
problem (and introduces some bugs).

As you are the maintainer for base-files, and it provides
/etc/debian_version, what do you suggest we do for LSB compliance? 

Quite frankly, if you are actively opposing its use I would like to suggest
release managers to get involved and help fix this ambiguous situation for
the next release.



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