DKIM and DK Milters: package naming
It has been suggested to me that I get some input from the list on the
naming of my recently uploaded packages for dkim-milter and dk-milter.
I thought I had opened an ITP for this purpose, but it turns out I had
not; hence this message.
The core issue: Upstream calls the *packages* dkim-milter and dk-milter,
each package consists of two individual components: a binary and
a library. At present, I have opted not to package the libraries since
they require Sendmail headers that aren't currently packaged, either.
I can talk with Richard Nelson about that if there's much demand for the
So, ignoring the library for the moment, the binaries themselves are
called dkim-filter and dk-filter (note filter vs. milter). It has been
pointed out to me that most binary packages for milter applications have
"milter" in their name, but for consistency with the binary name, I am
currently naming the binary packages as "filter" rather than "milter".
Is it more confusing to have the package name differ by one letter from
the only binary in it, or is it more confusing for the package to be
named via a different convention than similar applications? Any input is
(Please Cc: me on replies; I am not subscribed to d-d.)
Mike Markley <>
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