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Re: Name of a binary package according to sonames

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Kurt Roeckx escribió:
> On Mon, Dec 18, 2006 at 12:09:13PM -0400, Jose Luis Rivas Contreras wrote:
>>>>>> The version I'm building is libtorrent-0.11.0 so I don't think I should
>>>>>> call the binary libtorrent10.
>>>>> Please check the real soname with objdump -p libtorrent-0.11.0 |grep
>>>>> SONAME
>>>> The real soname is libtorrent.so.10
>>>> So, should I name it libtorrent10?
>>> Either the soname should be libtorrent.so.11, or you might 
>>> want to rename libtorrent-0.11.0 to libtorrent-0.10.0 or something.
>> I can't that version already pass...
> If the soname is set to libtorrent.so.10, it means applications will
> start to look for a file called "/usr/lib/libtorrent.so.10".  That will
> probably be a symlink in your case to libtorrent-0.11.0, which looks
> rather confusing to me.
> In libtorrent9 you have a file called "/usr/lib/libtorrent.so.9".  But
> there doesn't seem to be a file named libtorrent-0.9.0.so or something,
> so I'm a little confused what changed.

No, there's only libtorrent.so.10  libtorrent.so.10.0.0 in my build

I'm more confused since I renamed the package to libtorrent10-rakshasa
and libtorrent-rakshasa10 and lintian keeps giving me the warning...


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