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Re: possible grave bug in debian-installer or ifupdown?

Anthony Towns schrieb:
>> I checked
>> /etc/network/interfaces on both boxes and noticed the following line:
>> 	allow-hotplug eth0
>> after replacing it with
>> 	auto eth0
> allow-hotplug interfaces will only be brought up by hotplug (or manually);
> you might've deinstall hotplug and replaced it with udev, which would
> probably give that result.

The main point is: I've taken the latest Testing-CD installed Debian,
updated it and that's it. I don't remember having intentionally replaced
hotplug by udev or something, if this happened it must have happened
automatically. This somehow feels like either d-i or ifupdown are broken
by default so close before etch becomes stable.

By the way: I've played around with quemu and the new d-i a few weeks
ago and noticed that the resulting Debian/testing system did not bring
up the interface too.

>> I wonder if this is a bug in d-i or ifupdown. 
> If you're not using hotplug, using "allow-hotplug" is the bug.

But who has created the allow-hotplug-line? I thought hotplug is dead?



Bastian Venthur                                      http://venthur.de
Debian Developer                                 venthur at debian org

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