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Re: Ondemand governor by default in etch

Anthony DeRobertis dijo [Fri, Dec 08, 2006 at 06:31:55PM -0500]:
> >  * Will cause negligible impact on system performance.  ondemand seems
> >    to have the philosophy of "max system speed unless I can be shown
> >    that the system is pretty much idle"
> This isn't true on this machine here. Enabling it has the following
> effects:
> 	1) it slows the CPU down to the point where I can watch the title
> 	   bars of windows redraw step-by-step when I move the mouse over them
> 	2) according to the power meter in my UPS, saves approximately 0W
> 	   (yes, zero) of electricity.
> 	3) lets the chip run approximately 0°C cooler.
> (...)

I must just repeat what you say. Of course, I cannot say how cooler or
how much lower on electricity does this run, but my 3GHz P4 also
dropped to 375MHz. And it was painful.

I hand-adjusted the minimum to 1GHz, but still... I'm unsure whether
to leave the ondemand governor active, as it might just never go back
to 3GHz on its own.


Gunnar Wolf - gwolf@gwolf.org - (+52-55)5623-0154 / 1451-2244
PGP key 1024D/8BB527AF 2001-10-23
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