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Re: screenshot with package description


I did some test. My repository is here: http://gloria.rulezlan.org/debian/
update_tarballs.pl updates the index_* files and the tarballs.
For the moment it doesn't create index for testing. It doesn't try to deal 
with pixmap Depends.


apt-pixmap usage:
gloria:/var/www/debian# ./apt-pixmap
        clean-cache:  Remove local cached files
                #apt-pixmap clean-cache
        update-cache:  Sync local cache from remote mirror
                #apt-pixmap update-cache (all|logo|pixmap)
        list-logo:  list logo URI available for a package
                #apt-pixmap list-logo pkg
        list-pixmap:  list pixmap URI available for a package
                #apt-pixmap list-pixmap pkg

Things to do:
  - patch for Synaptic:
      Synaptic shows package description in a GtkTextView. It's possible to 
add pixmap inside. Maybe someone with a better GTK skill than me could do the 
  - Config file:
      Actually i don't use config file. I suggest to use lines like these 
in /etc/apt/sources.list:
      apt-pixmap http://mirror/path sid
  - Find an easy way for contributors to upload pixmap.
      i want to do a web formular for that. But we need a server :).
  - Create a project on Alioth. apt-pixmap group?



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