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Re: Bug#349693: ITP: gst-fluendo-mp3 -- MP3 decoder plugin for GStreamer

Russell Coker wrote:
> MP3 software does not belong in Debian/main.  Unlike many patents the MPEG 
> patents probably have a good basis.
> Any software which is based on Frauhoffer patents (MP3 and other similar 
> encoding systems) should be on an external archive.

>From a technical point of view, I disagree. Fluendo seems to have a
patent license for its plugin, and they are allowed to relicense it
(under some conditions, e.g. the redistribution contract). Assumed, that
this is all sane, there is no legal problem to include it main.

> As far as I am aware OGG media is a good alternative to MPEG in every 
> technical measure.  OGG is not as well supported by 3rd party devices (no 
> support in iPod for example) but there are devices which support it (iRiver 
> as an example - incidentally the iRiver gives better sound quality according 
> to the experts and allows recording so is better than the iPod anyway).


> By continuing to support MPEG in Debian/main we are decreasing the support of 
> OGG.  I believe that the best thing for the community is to drop MP3 support 
> from main thus avoiding any potential patent risk for Debian users and also 
> increasing the support for alternatives that can be legally used.

[The patent law arguement is no longer a valid argument, see above. ]

>From a philosophical point of view, I would agree. But (assumed the
plugin is DFSG-compliant):

Debian is devoted to its users. If the users want such a
(DFSG-compliant) program/software/package/$whatever, and someone is
willing to maintain it, then do it.

If you personally don't want to have it in, or you personally don't want
to sponsor or use the package, doesn't matter. It is one thing not
willing to use something passively, and another thing to actively be
against something (no offense).

Address:        Daniel Baumann, Burgunderstrasse 3, CH-4562 Biberist
Email:          daniel.baumann@panthera-systems.net
Internet:       http://people.panthera-systems.net/~daniel-baumann/

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