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Re: Bits from the debian-cd team; more CD/DVDs being built regularly

Le mercredi 20 décembre 2006 à 16:03 -0500, Joey Hess a écrit :
> > Not having "gnome" on a single CD is understandable given how much we've
> > bloated this metapackage.
> Actually, we don't even include the gnome metapackage in the full
> gnome-desktop task. gnome-office, gdm-themes and gnome-games-extra-data
> are dependencies of gnome that are not included in that task (the rest
> of its deps are listed).

It's somewhat a shame not to have gnome-office, or at least gimp,
inkscape and gnumeric, which are by many points superior to other
Josselin Mouette                /\./\

"Do you have any more insane proposals for me?"

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