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Daemons and tricky permissions


I'm in a tricky trouble with a couple of packages: destar and op-panel.

The problem is that the destar daemon has a runtime feature that requires
restarting the init script of the 'op-panel' program.

They both are being started by init scripts, using the option "--chuid
asterisk", so they can run with the same asterisk user, but when destar
tries to do:

 /etc/init.d/op-panel restart

I (obviuosly?) get:

Stopping Flash Operator Panel: op-panel.
Starting Flash Operator Panel: op-panelstart-stop-daemon: Unable to set
initgroups() with gid 113 (Operation not permitted)

I've also tried starting the daemons with "--group asterisk"  and
"--chuid asterisk:asterisk", but it seems that there isn't an easy way to make it work.

I really don't know if there is a common workaround for this. Help would
be really appreciated, since this is the only thing left to
get this packages ready for the upcoming freeze.


Alejandro Rios.

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