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Re: Lack of a GR proposal explicitly condemning dunc-tank

On Thu, Oct 12, 2006 at 05:34:01PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
> I wrote:
> > Normally I wouldn't publish private email but I think in this case the
> > abusive nature warrants it.

It really doesn't.  Wanker.

> It has been suggested that it would be better to include the context,
> to avoid any potential or perceived unfairness, given that the context
> was a debian-private posting by me.  So here is the whole of Matthew's
> message, including the text of my message which he is objecting to:
>   On Wed, Oct 11, 2006 at 02:17:50PM +0100, Ian Jackson wrote:
>   > So I'd like to encourage dunc-tank opponents to consider whether they
>   > ought to have seconded my resolution too.  There's still time to do so
>   > I think.
>   I'm so thoroughly disgusted by you and the actions of people like you
>   that I've stopped working on Debian.  nice job, wanker.
> Apparently taking the other side in this controversy is, in Matthew's
> view, a justification for vitriol.

Hey, Ian, you're trebly a wanker.  Thanks for confirming my decision.
I'm not going to explain my position as you'd only use it as an excuse
to debate me.  I am sick and fucking tired of the wankery coming from
the parts of the debian disorganisation who don't want anything to
change.  It makes me so fucking angry that I've decided to just stop
doing anything Debian related.

I'm tempted to propose expulsion for a whole bunch of people, except
that would involve dealing with Manoj, who I loathe.  So, in summary:

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