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Re: doc compilations: build-time or pre-built?

tony mancill <tmancill@debian.org> writes:

> Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 04, 2006 at 07:25:16PM -0300, marciotex@gmail.com wrote:
>>> 1) compile docs pre-build-time; or
>>> 2)  compile docs in build-time
>> Definitely the latter. We build stuff at build time for a reason,
>> architecture-specific or -independent alike.
> Is this the consensus/best-practice on this question?
> It seems like it would be quite taxing on the autobuilders to have to pull
> something like docbook (and its chain of dependencies) into a pbuilder just
> to recompile a manpage that doesn't change between architectures.
> I'm interested in this because I've typically done (2), but have recently
> started to think that (1) is more appropriate, particularly for packages
> where the documentation is a simple manpage.

And It's exactly this the case in question, for me.

> Thanks,
> tony

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