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Re: Trivial bug on apt-file (Was : Re: Development standards for unstable)

Steinar H. Gunderson wrote:
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2006 at 12:03:28AM +0900, Charles Plessy wrote:
>>Of course, this is trivial, but fixing this bug (251 days old) is
>>also trivial. Then why complain ? I feel that it gives a bad image of
>>debian, when it suggests to use a broken tool while another one is being

I agree and have sent an intention to NMU. Though like Jesus Climent
mentioned in the bug log, it could actually be seen as 2 bugs: a
wishlist bug for trying alternatives and a release critical (at least
IMHO) bug about not depending on packages which are used by the package.

> But if you read this bug (#307833), you'd see that the maintainer doesn't
> consider it a bug, and has documented why in the README file.

It is a bug as the package is not usable without curl or wget installed.

Though, I give him a chance to respond to my intention to NMU...

> You could of course disagree about whether it's a bug or not, but in that
> case, you would want to appeal to the tech-ctte, not debian-devel.

...before going to the Technical Committee.



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