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Am 2005-12-21 16:32:20, schrieb Goswin von Brederlow:

> I have 10240kBit downstream and get way less from security.debian.org.
> Especialy when there is a security release of X or latex.

They are two possibilitys:

<debian-changes@l.d.o> subscribe with an seperated E-Mail and track it.
Check the E-Mail in a delay of 5 minutes.  Write a script (we do not
want to download Packages.gz, if there is no Pakage of interest) which
check, whether the new package is installed on one of your systems or
not.  If installed, start immediatly an

    apt-get update && apt-get --download-only upgrade

How many peoples use such system ?

You will get speed pur and you are one of the first, which get the

> MfG
>         Goswin


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