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Re: Work-needing packages report for Aug 19, 2005

Scripsit "Roberto C. Sanchez" <roberto@familiasanchez.net>
> On Fri, Aug 19, 2005 at 12:25:07AM -0600, wnpp@debian.org wrote:

>>    mindterm (#323802), orphaned today
>>      Description: java ssh client that can be used as a web applet

> Can we just have this removed?  It is ancient (the new versions are
> non-free) and only implements SSH1, which is probably not a good thing
> to use anyways.

Do we have other ways to provide its functionality? I sometimes need
to log into my machine from net cafes, and even SSH1 is preferable to
telnet. :-/

Henning Makholm           "There were few families that didn't have at least
                         one hopeful who, from Reading Day on, was the great
                       hope because of the way he handled his trisyllabics."

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