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Re: GCC 4.0 as the default GCC / C++ ABI change

* Matthias Klose:

> With today's dinstall run, new gcc/g++ packages are entering the
> archives and GCC 4.0 is the default gcc/g++. Starting from now, please
> DON'T upload any C++ code, which build-depends on a library written in
> C++ that is not yet converted to the new C++ ABI.  Details for the C++
> ABI change are at the end of the message. How do we go on?

I don't know if it's related, but roughly since the GCC 4.0 upload, I
get strange assembler warnings for perfectly valid C++ programs:

/tmp/ccnkt3NO.s:697: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .gnu.linkonce.t._ZN4SigC7Signal0IvNS_7MarshalIvEEE5emit_EPv
/tmp/ccnkt3NO.s:7101: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .gnu.linkonce.t._ZN9undo_listD0Ev
/tmp/ccnkt3NO.s:7285: Warning: ignoring changed section attributes for .gnu.linkonce.t._ZN9undo_listD1Ev

Is it safe to ignore these warnings?  What is causing them?

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