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Re: GCC version change / C++ ABI change

>>>>> "Matthias" == Matthias Klose <doko@cs.tu-berlin.de> writes:

    Matthias>  - Rebuild C++ applications, which do not depend on any
    Matthias> other C++ library besides libstdc++.

    Matthias>  - Rename and rebuild C++ libraries, which do not depend
    Matthias> on any other C++ library besides libstdc++.

Presumably applications which are built using the same source as a
library that meets the 2nd criteria should also be built. Otherwise we
wouldn't get anywhere...

I am specifically thinking of dar here, it contains a library and an
application that uses this library in the one source, by the above
criteria I could rebuild the library but not the application, which
seems pointless.
Brian May <bam@debian.org>

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