Re: Bug#328423: must be moved from recommeds to suggests
On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 01:17:53PM +0100, Adeodato Simó wrote:
> * Florian Weimer [Wed, 02 Nov 2005 11:26:30 +0100]:
> > * Luca Capello:
> > > I'm in the process of debianize some CL software [1] and I've the same
> > > problem as bug #328423: some extra features of the package needs other
> > > packages to be installed, so I don't know if the package should use
> > > Suggests or Recommends.
> > Use Recommends: if the functionality added by the recommended package
> > is not too obscure and it's in the same section. Suggests: is mainly
> > a way to bypass the same-section restriction in the policy.
> No, not really. There are lots of legitimate use-cases for suggests,
> specially if we are trying to encourage the "install recommends by
> default" as a default (and sane for normal users) behavior.
> Also, just FYI, from
> 2. Dependencies
> Packages in main cannot require any software outside of main
> for execution or compilation.
> "Recommends:" lines do not count as requirements.
> Not that I agree, but that's what it says at the moment.
That means that a broken Recommends: is not release-critical. It doesn't
mean that a broken Recommends: is not a bug.
Steve Langasek Give me a lever long enough and a Free OS
Debian Developer to set it on, and I can move the world.
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