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Re: Apt, custom packages, and package dependencies

I knew I would figure it out as soon as I sent this...  I forgot to put commas
between the package names in Depends and Pre-Depends.


Nevermind, but thanks anyway.


> Hello developers, I'm a n00b.
> I've got my own little http debian package repository.  It shows up with apt
> and dselect.
> In this repository I've got a custom package that I'm working on that depends
> on a bunch of ldap stuff, and contains configuration files and installation
> scripts to install and configure ldap for me.
> In this package's control file are the following lines:
>   Package: tiem.ldap-server-config
>   Architecture: all
>   Depends: slapd ldap-utils libnss-ldap libpam-ldap
>   Pre-Depends: slapd ldap-utils libnss-ldap libpam-ldap
> My problem is, according to dselect, there are no dependencies or
> pre-dependencies listed, and apt won't try to install any of the depencies
> before installing my package.
> Other custom packages that I have built have their dependencies listed in
> dselect, but not this one.  And I have both completely erased and rebuilt my
> repository on the server and run "apt update" on the client several times.
> I figure the problem is in one of two places.  Either:
> a) There's a cache file somewhere that apt isn't updating when I type "apt
> update", or
> b) There's a file that needs to be updated on my repository -- even though
> I've totally deleted and rebuilt the repository several times.
> Anybody have any idea where I would go about finding out what's wrong?
> Thanks for your help,
> Michael Peek

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