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libcurl3-dev: A development package linked again gnutls needed


I am currently maintaining moc, a _m_usic _o_n _c_onsole player:

apt-cache show moc

The new version 2.3.0 needs libcurl-dev, 'cause streaming is
possible now. Start using libcurl, which depends on libssl, and
since GPL is incompatible with OpenSSL license, the package was
rejected upstream.  Checking the source of curl-package it is
possible to build curl --without-ssl and --with-gnutls=/usr. Should
we have a libcurl3-dev and a libcurl3-ssl-dev package or ist it more
comfortable to build curl against gnutls in general? Any hints?

BTW, I filed #318590 with no response 'til yet :(


  Numeric stability is probably not all that 
  important when you're guessing;-)

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