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Re: unreproducable bugs

On 20050716T195244-0700, Thomas Bushnell BSG wrote:
> That's a far cry different from someone wanting to enforce a
> requirement.

Who, in this thread, is this hypothetical someone?

As far as I can tell, this thread started with a simple question: is
there a policy for a certain thing?  There were a couple of honest
responses,  Then we have a lot of whining about how the younglings
cannot think for themselves from people who should know better, and a
mini-flamewar based on those thoughts, but I haven't seen anyone talking
about enforcing anything, until now.

Where did the old-fashioned practice of reading comprehension and
assuming good intentions (instead of stupidity or malice) go [1]?  (No, this
isn't directed solely, or even mainly, at you:)

[1] Yes, there are situations where you should assume malice, but
debian-devel discussions aren't one of them - and there is no situation
where assuming stupidity is better than assuming good intentions.
Antti-Juhani Kaijanaho, Debian developer 


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