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Re: What do you win by moving things to non-free?

On Saturday 16 April 2005 09:28 am, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> The invariant section issues are things you can discuss inside Debian or
> with me or with the FSF. But for nearly everyone else the result if you
> explain the GFDL problem will be that he thinks that the differences
> between free and non-free software are pretty small.

  A lot of people can't understand why we would consider software that comes 
with source code, is freely distributable, and may be modified in any way to 
be non-free simply because its license states that you may not use it if you 
are a business/work at a nuclear plant/are a member of a neo-Nazi group.  So, 
should we put software like that into main so that they don't "think the 
differences between free and non-free software are pretty small"?

  If not, I'm not sure I see what you're trying to say either.


/------------------- Daniel Burrows <dburrows@debian.org> ------------------\
|          "Next, consider a circle passing through infinity; that          |
|           is, a straight line.."                                          |
\------ (if (not (understand-this)) (go-to http://www.schemers.org)) -------/

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