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Re: Bug#303725: specter: FTBFS (amd64/gcc-4.0): syntax error before '{' token


Day Sat, 9 Apr 2005 07:40:04 -0500
Bill Allombert <ballombe@master.debian.org> wrote:

> Furthermore, there is no technical reason why the patch cannot work
> with both 4.0 and 2.95. At worse a bit of cpp magic will fix that.

It's done, new patch has been written, that provide successful
compilation on gcc-2.95 and gcc-4.0.
specter package with new patch applied will be uploaded afer
official 1.4pre1 release, which is coming soon. 

Best regards,
 Grzegorz ,,Verdan'' Bizon

[  ,''`.  verdan@pirx.int.pl // verdan@debian.linux.org.pl ]
[ : :' :  GG: 830398         //   JID: verdan(at)chrome.pl ]
[ `. `'   Verdan@IrcNet      //            GPG: 0xDF32F531 ]
[   `-  1A6F A0A1 01D1 3033 332A  60FE 4C7B 8037 DF32 F531 ]

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