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Re: Alternative: Source-Centric Approach [w/code]


On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 02:30:29PM +0100, Wouter Verhelst wrote:
> Op di, 15-03-2005 te 11:25 -0600, schreef John Goerzen:
> > As I have been reading the discussions about the SCC proposal for
> > etch, it seems that these are the main problems:
> > 
> > 1) Difficulty with, and speed of, buildd systems
> > 
> > 2) Difficulty of syncing testing across all archs given #1
> > 
> > 3) Difficulty getting security releases out in time, given slow archs
> > 
> > 4) Space constraints on mirrors
> > 
> > I'm throwing out a different idea, and I'm backing it up with code.  I
> > have thought about it some, maybe there are huge holes, but let's see.
> > 
> > I propose that we split things along these lines: binary+source (B+S)
> > archs and source-only (SO) archs.
> [...long detailed explanation of how this would work in practice
> snipped...]
> I don't think this is a good idea. One of Debian's key selling points is
> the fact that you /don't/ have to wait for something to build before
> being able to use it. We're not Gentoo[1]; many of our users come to
> Debian because they want a community-developed, binary-based
> distribution.
> Changing that would change what Debian is, too much.
> Also it wouldn't help on slower architectures. People usually decline
> installing NetBSD on m68k (even if that's possible) when it takes two
> weeks to make the system useful, simply because everything needs to be
> compiled manually.

This is a really a good point. I agree that provide source packages are not
really working on slower arches.


// Ola

> [1] this is not meant pejoratively; I'm have tried Gentoo in the past
> and am quite sure it's a great distribution, but it has different goals.
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