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Re: apply to NM? ha!

On Mon, Jan 24, 2005 at 02:36:04AM -0500, SR, ESC wrote:

> what's the fucking point in applying to NM when you get blasted for
> asking a simple question about release. and what's the fucking point
> when you get called luser for asking about it. 

> really getting fucking sick of this crap. you fucking bored, so you go
> and insult people? fuck off, and grow the fuck up, you're not in high
> school anymore. 

> you know who you are.

Yes, but if you're going to storm off of an IRC channel in response to a
single comment, and if you're going to burden everyone on a public mailing
list with your tantrum of a response, the *least* civility demands is that
you let the other people on the list know who we are.

23:26 <simonrvn> bob2: tarzeau told me sarge was released. was he pulling my
                 leg or is it true?
23:27 <bob2> haha
23:27 <kylem> haha.
23:27 <bob2> simonrvn: just due to my cynicism, I'd say he was :)
23:27 <simonrvn> ok. damn him, getting my hopes up
23:28 <chrisa> simonrvn: I have a feeling if it was released *everyone*
               would know
23:28 <vorlon> geez, why do we bother sending out updates with details
               about everything that needs to happen before release, if
               people are going to listen to rumours like this instead
23:28 <simonrvn> chrisa: that's why i was wondering. no one else mentioned
23:28 <vorlon> (instead of, y'know, working on the 110 outstanding RC bugs)
23:28 <simonrvn> vorlon: i did look at the lists, didn't see anything.
                 sheesh, chill out a bit
23:28 <chrisa> vorlon: Those RC bugs are obviously in the boring packages
23:29 <chrisa> <lusers> RELEASE! </lusers>
23:29 <mrvn_> vorlon: whats the url again for those bugs?
23:29 <dilinger> vorlon: i heard 2.6.10 is gonna be the kernel released w/
                 sarge, is this true?
23:29  * dilinger hides
23:29 <mrvn_> dilinger: 2.6.10 isn't even fully through NEW yet.
23:29 -!- simonrvn [simon@simonrvn.user] has quit ["fuck off"]

So apparently when a release manager is critical of someone on the developer
channel for clearly failing to subscribe to (or at least read the messages
on) the one list that's mandatory for all Debian developers, he gets told to
"chill out"; and when someone uses the word "luser" in your presence, it
automatically means they're referring to you and warrants a response making
no fewer than six uses of the word "fuck" on a public mailing list.  Now,
who was the high schooler again?

If you do change your mind and apply to the NM queue, be sure to let your AM
know that you don't listen to people who try to tell you to subscribe to
debian-devel-announce, so that he or she can make a note of it in your
report.  The last thing Debian needs is more ignorant assholes.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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