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Re: Firefox and Sarge

On Wed, Aug 25, 2004 at 10:27:47AM +0200, Francesco P. Lovergine wrote:

> Yes, but I cannot see any recent (within the last year and half) installation
> of woody where users did not install a recent version of mozilla, instead
> of the pre-1.0. So in some cases, secteam efforts are at least a waste of time.
> In those cases that time would be better used in packaging a well-done major 
> upgrade. Users would be more satisfied, I think.

That well-done major upgrade is in progress, and its name is "sarge".  Fixes
for woody would be great, but despite a lot of discussion on the subject, no
one is putting real effort into it.  This is a big project, and the security
team is already overloaded.

 - mdz

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