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Re: dpkg / apt equivalent to 'rpm -qf'?

John Hasler wrote:
> Paul Gear writes:
>>In rpm, they're typically not empty - they're full of interesting and
>>useful comments, and potentially usable defaults.
> We are talking about files the contents of which are created by maintainer
> scripts.  Other configuration files in Debian packages _are_ "full of
> interesting and useful comments and potentially usable defaults".

I'm ignorant in Debian procedures, etc. for creating & installing
packages, but when i come to a config file that is important to the
running of a package, i expect that there should be some way to trace it
back to the fact that relates to the package.  Here's an example:

paulgear@enoch:~$ dpkg -L gpm
paulgear@enoch:~$ dpkg -S /etc/gpm.conf
dpkg: /etc/gpm.conf not found.

There is no way to tie the config file /etc/gpm.conf to the package gpm
using dpkg.  Sure, the name can be guessed easily, but what about cases
where it's not so obvious?

The point is that this behaviour is counter-intuitive.  The fact that
it's created by a maintainer script is not going to change the fact that
i'm looking for related files to the above config file.  Note also in
the above output that there is no man page for gpm.conf in the package.

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