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Re: Gcc-3.4 holds back packages from testing?

On Wed, Aug 11, 2004 at 08:15:49AM +0200, Andreas Tille wrote:
> Hi,

> perhaps I missed something in my three weeks holidays but something
> seems strange to me.  If I look at the nice extended graph for the
> excuses available in PTS (MANY THANKS FOR THIS!) for instance of the
> package xteddy I get

>     ...

> xteddy is waiting for libungif4, tiff

>     * libungif4 is waiting for gcc-3.4
>           o gcc-3.4 has release-critical bugs
>           o gcc-3.4 is waiting for gcc-3.3
>                 + gcc-3.3 has release-critical bugs
>                 + gcc-3.3 is waiting for gcc-3.4

>     ...

> I wonder in how far gcc-3.4 is able to prevent packages from moving to
> testing if it is not even in testing and packages should be builded with
> gcc-3.3.  Anybody able to enlighten me?

The original hope had been that gcc-3.3 and gcc-3.4, with the new
libgcc1, would make it into testing before the freeze.  This didn't
happen due to various complicating factors, so we're instead working on
getting an update in through testing-proposed-updates; it looks like
this should be ready to happen tonight, at which point the rest of
unstable will thankfully be unstuck.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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