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How to restart apache within a postinst script?

Hi !
Sorry if it's the wrong place to post, I'm not sure... All is in the topic of this message!
I've written a package for debian (details of the software after). The problem is that when it has to start apache with "apachectl start", then the installer is waiting forever that the process "apache" terminates, as long as it has been launched by the installer.
Can someone tell me the correct methode to (re)start apache from postint script ?
    Thomas GOIRAND
P.S: Please write also to my email thomas AT goirand DOT fr, thanks.
Domain Technologie Control (DTC) is a set of PHP scripts and a web interface that manage a MySQL database that handles all the host information. It generates backup scripts, statistic calculation scripts, and config files for bind, Apache, qmail, and proftpd, using a single system UID/GID. With DTC, you can delegate the task of creating subdomains, email, and FTP accounts to users for the domain names they own, and monitor bandwidth per user and service.
If you want to know more, you can have a look at http://www.gplhost.com/?rub=softwares&sousrub=dtc. It's downloadable from ftp.gplhost.com as well (this one contains a debian repository).
Best regards,
    Thomas GOIRAND
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