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Re: Debian GNU/Linux Reference Card under construction

On Thu, Apr 15, 2004 at 12:34:56PM +0200, W. Borgert wrote:
> Hi,
> for computer literate pe
> destructive criticism and other useful help:
> 1. Please look at the card and point out any errors.  Nothing is worse
>    for a beginner than false information.  {"To list your files type
>    rm -rf /", "Install Mandrake", ...)
I'll do that next week (I'll be on holidays and have a few time for it).
> 2. There is still room for your favourite command/config file/whatever.
>    Tell me - I will add things, until the card is full.  Maybe I use one
>    complete page (1/6 of the card) for the debian-installer (and FAI).
You speak about Databases, Webservers and Corba but is this really usefull
for newbies and isn't too far from Debian, for a Debian specific card ?
And for new to Unix users shouldn't be basic stuffs like 'basis of regex syntax
for shells and grep' good additions to make (when came from windows
to linux world this 'intimidated' me a little) [the *pattern* argument
appears many times on the currently online card]

> 3.
Can't help for that sorry.

> 4. As soon as the card is complete (or nearly so) and the "English" is
>    ../..  Any volunteers?
I volunteer for a french translation ... interrested ?


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