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Re: testing and no release schedule

On Fri, Mar 26, 2004 at 01:42:50AM +0100, Adrian Bunk wrote:
> I like Debian for both technical and political reasons, but it's simply 
> impossible today to recommend to anyone to use Debian stable on 
> production systems.

I don't think this is 100% true.  At the company I work for, we still use
woody on most of our servers (and we still even have potato installed on 

Stable is *definitely* not usable on desktop systems.  The problem is that
pretty much every Debian developer runs unstable on his/her desktop.  So not
having a current stable release doesn't really affect them.

Perhaps Debian needs to change its product offering.  We could have a server
distribution (with a long release cycle) and a desktop distribution (with a
short release cycle).  Yes, just like every other major Linux vendor.  No,
this is not rocket science and I'm 100% sure I'm not the first one with this
idea.  So why aren't we doing it?


Adam McKenna  <adam@debian.org>  <adam@flounder.net>

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