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Re: [OT] God knows what [was Re: Bug#283578: ITP: hot-babe -- erotic graphical system activity monitor]

On Wednesday 01 December 2004 16:10, William Ballard <nospam_40811@alltel.net> 
> On Wed, Dec 01, 2004 at 03:48:48PM +1100, Russell Coker wrote:
> > they still have not forgotten or forgiven what the crusaders did while
> > carrying a flag with a red cross on a white background.
> Plenty of brutality on the other side.  (Moorish invasion of Spain.)
> I guess I'm equally justified in viewing the Crescent as symbol of
> brutality and butchery?

You could.  However there is no sign of a repeat of that now so it's less of 
an issue.  The actions of the crusaders bear many similarities to what is 
happening in the middle east at the moment so it remains topical.

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