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retiring from Debian

Dear fellow developers,

I hereby announce my intention to retire from the Debian project. I 
haven't been active lately, so this shouldn't make any difference, but
will hopefully make things clear.

I have orphaned those three small packages that I still own; two of them
are outdated, one seems to be upstream dead. Bug numbers are:

	idsa			#274024
	libmp3-info-perl	#274025
	nettoe			#274026

The reason of my retiral is that I've lost both my free time and my
motivation to work on the packages. FYI (and not to start a flame war),
I've switched to Gentoo on all of my desktops, because it seems to fit
my _personal_ taste better. However I still use Debian on the few
servers I maintain.

It has been a pleasure to be a part (even if such minor) of this great
community. Debian has given me a lot and I cannot be grateful enough for
that. I wish you good luck with your work - it definitely has a great
future. As a user, I'll continue to be with Debian.

Thank you all.


PS: Should you want to reach me for any reasons, please use this address
I'm writing from. I'm not reading any of the Debian mailing lists, so
please CC me the followups, if any.

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