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Re: if you guys are really worried about a Ken Thompson-style hack in gcc

On Thu, 2004-09-02 at 16:58 -0700, Joe Buck wrote:
> In a recent thread entitled "Re: Unofficial buildd network has been shut
> down", several people started tossing around FUD about the possibility of
> a Ken Thompson-style hack in gcc.
> If any of you are seriously worried about this, please do the following:
> 1) prove that there is no KT-style hack on the Solaris version of gcc:
>    a) bootstrap gcc from source, starting from Sun's C compiler.
>    b) bootstrap gcc from source, starting from any version of gcc

This presumes that suns cc is clean.

I don't think there is a 'KT-style hack' in gcc... for other reasons
already covered. 


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