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[plug] Philippine Open Source Conference 2004

Hello Debian Developers and Users,

Imperium and Media G8way are sponsoring the Philippine Open Source
Conference 2004 on August 17, 18, and 19 at EDSA Shangri-la, Manila,
Philippines.  Some of you guys might be interested in participating, as
volunteer speakers, participants or whatnot.  Visit the site:


For more information.

Zakame (in behalf of the Philippine Linux Users Group)

Philippine Linux Users' Group (PLUG) Mailing List
plug@lists.q-linux.com (#PLUG @ irc.free.net.ph)
Official Website: http://plug.linux.org.ph
Searchable Archives: http://marc.free.net.ph
To leave, go to http://lists.q-linux.com/mailman/listinfo/plug
Are you a Linux newbie? To join the newbie list, go to

|=-------------ZAK B. ELEP  (Registered Linux User #327585)-------------=|
||      Web: http://zakame.spunge.org           GPG ID:  0xFA53851D     ||
||           http://zakame.homelinux.org        ICQ UIN: 33236644       ||
||      Location: Daet, Camarines Norte         Running Linux 2.6       ||
|=----------1486 7957 454D E529 E4F1  F75E 5787 B1FD FA53 851D----------=|
 Debian - When you've got better things to do than to fix a borken system

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