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Re: How severe are FTBFS bugs caused by the source using uname?

On Wed, May 19, 2004 at 12:02:10AM +0200, Goswin von Brederlow wrote:

> how severe are FTBFS bugs caused by the source using uname to
> determine the host/build architecture instead of using
> dpkg-architecture?

> The problem is that on multiarch architectures, most notably amd64
> cpus, the uname will not resemble the host/build architecture:
> (from a normal Debian Sid i386 system running a 64bit kernel)

> % uname -a
> Linux dual 2.6.5-amd64 #2 Sun May 9 16:34:33 UTC 2004 x86_64 GNU/Linux
>                                                       ^^^^^^

A FTBFS on an architecture that is not yet a release candidate is not an
RC bug.  Presumably, using uname does not cause substantial problems on
release candidate archs, or this would have come up for discussion long
ago.  Since your policy citation includes no "must" requirements, I
don't see that this is anything more than an important bug.

Steve Langasek
postmodern programmer

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