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>- Q: Are you a:  (note: you may choose more than one)

A: [X] User, using Debian for: daily tasks(web browsing, mail checking), playing games, and such. Desktop usage. Also I use Debian on router, to forward internet connection among computers(3) in a home LAN.

>- Q: Could you please provide one or two typical episodes (whatever you feel like) of your life with Debian?

A: I wanted to install digital camera on my desktop with debian. All I did was google ->"HOW-TO install digital-camera debian", after 5 minutes, I had my camera working :). Another situation: I wanted to forward internet connection to my 3 home computers. I had a spare pentium 200 mmx working. All I did, was installing debian on it, set forwarding using iptables and viola -it worked :). Even installing a new kernel was a piece of cake -I just compiled a new kernel on my 2GHz desktop, packed it into a deb and send it to router :). Peace of cake :)

>- Q: Could you please provide one or two fantasy episodes of your life with Debian, if you were to make a movie or a comic strip about yourself as a Debian protagonist?

>- Q: What Debian distribution are you using?
   A: Debian Woody r2 stable 2.4.26

>- Q: What do you think people use Debian for?
   A: Maintaining servers, but also it's very comfortable with desktops.

>- Q: What is the thing you most frequently use Debian for?
   A: Everything :)

>- Q: What do you think is the most INTERESTING aspect or feature of Debian?
   A: support you people(and all users) provide for each other.

>- Q: Are there some aspects or features of Debian that do not satisfy you?
A: too many scripts to use scripts... i.e. update-modules -you can't modify the config files directly, but you must refer to other files...

>- Q: What do you think is the most USEFUL aspect or feature of Debian?
   A: apt-get :)

>- Q: Is there something you especially like doing with Debian? What is it?
   A: everything :)

>- Q: Is there something you DO NOT like doing with Debian?  What is it?
   A: hmm, no

>- Q: What is the MOST SUCCESSFUL deed you have achieved with Debian?
   A: Forwarding internet, setting apache, mysql, php :)

>- Please take a moment to recall what is the WORST INCIDENT you had
   with Debian.
>- Q: What was it?

A: My network configuration disappeard without any reason. One day, the network just refused to work. I found that all the devices was down. This wasn't nice, 'cause my router works without monitor, and when the network got down, I had to actually borrow the monitor to set the network again... (I used etherconf, so this configuration wasn't temporary)

>- Q: How did you get into it, and out of it?
A: I borrowed the monitor, set the network again and it still works fine :)

>- Imagine you have a crystal ball allowing you to see 10 years in the
   future, and have a look inside.

>  Q: Will you still be using Debian?
   A: Yes!

>  Q: If yes, what will you be doing with it?
   A: Same as today -everything I need computer to ;)

>- Q: Finally, please feel free to leave any feedback to Debian Developers
A: Keep up the good work guys! Many people all over the world appreciates your work! Bravo!

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