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debconf, controlling terminal, and calling dialog "manually" from postinst


Is there any clear and definitive description of how debconf handles and
releases file descriptors and the controling terminal (besided the code
itself)? I found quite some remarks that debconf "can cause all sorts
of trouble" or the like. But I'd like to know exactly...

The reason is #232725. We were calling a program in postinst - after
using debconf and without calling db_stop - that wanted to display its
error messages via dialog, but the dialog never was shown, so Ctrl-c was
the only way out. I've fixed it (in CVS) by simply not calling that
program, but I would like to understand.

The problem is that I could not reproduce it on my system; here the
dialog was shown nevertheless. And since I couldn't find specific
information on debconfs tty/fd handling, I don't know how to trigger the
bug here, and have no clue how to check whether calling db_stop really
would fix the problem, or whether it's something different.

Can you help me out?
Regards, Frank
Frank Küster, Biozentrum der Univ. Basel
Abt. Biophysikalische Chemie

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