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Re: Proposed transition plan for non-free and call for help

On Tuesday 09 March 2004 19:48, Sven Luther wrote:
> What about recomends and suggests of contrib or non-free packages
> from debian/main ? How will this separate setup handle this ?
> What about conflicts ?

Thank you for elaborating the obvious pitfalls.

Perceivable middle management should now, based on the submitted papers, 
be able to decide about the proposals - and propably keep a sharp eye 
on productivity when most simple rules of project mgmt. are turned 
upside down, as taken from the golden book of 'how not to do it',
and productivity becomes deflected from the main project. 

Positively: Keep it simple. Fix bugs, improve, features to the end.

Positively ;) martin

Vote for Freedom - vote for debian/dists/non-free.
Vote for justice - vote for The Social Contract.

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