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Uploading crypto programs


I have a package (pgpgpg, a wrapper for gpg) that is a part of non-US.
I have two questions:
 1. shall I move it to main? I see no point why it still should be a
    part of non-US since gnupg is in main
 2. if i should stay in non-US -- how could I upload it?


 (___)  | Pawel Wiecek ----------------- Coven / Svart --------------------- |
< o o > |  http://www.coven.vmh.net/    <coven@vmh.net>    GSM: +48603240006 |
 \ ^ /  | GPG/PGP info in message headers  *  [ Debian GNU/Linux developer ] |
  (")   |    Linux is like a teepee: no Gates, no Windows, Apache inside.    |

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