RE: Proposed change to debian release system
Lucas Albers wrote:
> Julian Mehnle wrote:
> > I know this is no panacea, since in many cases, the maintainer cannot
> > know whether a package will perish at all (like when all spammers
> > promptly give up "advancing" their software, so a given version of
> > spamassassin would stay useful forever)... ;-)
> My friend has a high volume mail server running spamassassin 2.31
> Oops the spamassassin stopped working.
> Now I have 12,000 people angry with me.
> Take that to the bank.
Lucas, not only did you horribly misquote my statement as coming from Scott, but you also seem to not having read my mail thoroughly. Nowhere did I suggest that installed packages stop working when "expired", did I? Please re-read my suggestion.
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