W liście z pią, 12-12-2003, godz. 07:30, BugScan reporter pisze: > Some bugs have an additional set of tags indicating they only apply > to a particular release: O for oldstable (potato), S for stable (woody), > T for testing (sarge) or U for unstable (sid). X indicates that the package > is not in testing. > Package: sablevm (debian/main) > Maintainer: Grzegorz Prokopski (Debian Developer) <gadek@debian.org> > 215314 [ ] FTBFS on some platforms (SableVM*test* versions) The thing is that #215314 has tag: sid bacause it only applies to unstable version (upstream release is on its way and will close it). Version in testing is clean and robust and I wouldn't want it to be at some point removed from testing because of a bug in unstable. So - shouldn't there be [U] mark for this bug? sth. like: 215314 [ ] [U] FTBFS on some platforms (SableVM*test* versions) Am I missing something? Grzegorz B. Prokopski -- Grzegorz B. Prokopski <gadek@debian.org> Debian GNU/Linux http://www.debian.org SableVM - LGPLed JVM http://www.sablevm.org
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