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Kernel 2.4.18 and GCC 3.3 (not a good mix)

Seems that gcc 3.3 and kernel 2.4.18 (with grsec patch) dont like

I got alot of complains about 2 files in the asm-i386/ and some other,
when compiling..
the problem was that it seems as if gcc 3.3 needs to have assembler
lines(inline) ending with a ";\n"  where as one seemed to been able to
get several lines with one pair of " " on earlier versions of gcc.
(i compiled the kernel on a box running unstable, for a box that runs
stable.. because of huge speed differences)

if anyone should be intrested, drop me a mail.. or tell me where to put
a .tar.bz2 file with my changes..

best regards

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