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Re: Is vrms really still a Virtual Richard M. Stallman?

Scripsit Anthony Towns <aj@azure.humbug.org.au>
> On Wed, Nov 19, 2003 at 06:47:34PM +0000, Henning Makholm wrote:

> > Me neither. A "virtual debian-legal" would be something that analyzed
> > licenses:

> Only if you assume a virtual foo does everything the regular foo does.

No, but a virtual foo usually does *something* that the regular foo
also does. Since debian-legal's primary task is to analyze licenses,
that would be the natural expectation for a virtual d-l.

In particluar, d-l does not usually act as if having non-free software
installed on a system is bad. The list is usually polite to software
authors that approach it for help on writing licenses to achieve goals
consider inherently non-free.

Renaming vrms to a name derived from "debian-legal" would be as much
an injustice to debian-legal as "vrms" is to RMS.

> > $ debian-legalint COPYRIGHT.foo
> > COPYRIGHT.foo:33: warning: mentions specific protocol standard
> > COPYRIGHT.foo:57: talks about "best efforts" to contact upstream
> > COPYRIGHT.foo:64: US export control laws

> $ debian-legalint realplay
> Component: non-free
> Limitations:
>  no-source
>  non-debian
>  no-redistribution

Apart from the syntactic details of the output format, how is this

> Something like that would probably be both useful and feasible,

Feasible? Well, perhaps AI has made significant breakthroughs while I
was looking the other way, but I doubt it.

Henning Makholm       "It was intended to compile from some approximation to
                 the M-notation, but the M-notation was never fully defined,
                because representing LISP functions by LISP lists became the
 dominant programming language when the interpreter later became available."

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