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Re: localisation français-espagnol


first of all: Please don't post HTML to mailing lists. Apart from using
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> I am going to be teaching a class on localisation from FRENCH to SPANISH. I
> would like to know if you could assign me any little project to work in class
> with my students. If you don't work with French to Spanish localisation, could
> you please tell me where could I find proyects?.

This is difficult, since most well-known projects use English as the
base language, as it has no accented characters and can thus be
displayed on about any system without problems. You may be lucky on
Freshmeat[0], but I think you might be better off using a fictional
project that shows the corner cases like exchanging two strings in a
translation, leading to better output in one case but ignoring others
(example is what I suspect in the German translation of gnupg):

"if no command was given, decrypt file","(default)"


"if no command was given", "decrypt file (default)"

because the German translation was longer than the original string and
the translator tried to keep the line length of all output below 80
chars. However, in a different menu, it now asks

"which trust level do you wish to assign?"
" 0 - i don't want to answer. " "decrypt file (default)"

which is obviously nonsensical.

If you don't find a French project on freshmeat, then I suggest you talk
to the French and Spanish language teams, which can be reached through
Linux International[1]'s web site and ask them for common pitfalls they
have encountered. Also, Kubota Tomohiro's guide[2] to i18n is definitely
worth reading.


[0] http://www.freshmeat.net/
[1] http://www.li.org/
[2] http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/intro-i18n/

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