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Re: User Based Init

On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 10:00, Jerry Haltom wrote:
> I'm curious how many "wtf are you thinking?" reactions can be gathered
> for the idea of a per-user init.d system?

Actually I think that the @reboot option for cron should be extended.

There are many situations in which you may want to run per-user scripts, some 
examples I can think of include:
APM events
eth0 events (IE PCMCIA insertion/removal or DHCP lease negotiation)
libc6 upgrade
Arbitary other things as determined by the administrator.

I think that we could have cron support @whatever type events, and then when a 
system program writes "whatever" to a named pipe that cron maintains it could 
launch the appropriate jobs.

Of course hacking your own scripts to do the same things via sudo is quite 
possible.  However cron has some advantages.  Cron already supports mailing 
the output (and doing it in a secure fashion).  Cron supports properly 
changing the security context (and can easily support doing whatever is 
necessary for SE Linux and other systems which is better than multiple 
patches for multiple applications).  This also allows the user to edit one 
file to control everything.

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